Sunday November 19, Brass Band Willebroek organises together with Dender Brass and Brass Band Panta Rhei Gent a try-out concert to prepare their participation at the Belgian Brass Band Championships on November 25 & 26 in Heist-op-den-Berg.
All the bands will perform the set test pieces of their division, followed by their own choice piece. Afterwards it is possible to attend an open rehearsal of Brass Band Willebroek.
17h30: Dender Brass - Joeri van Hove
18h15: Brassband Panta Rhei Gent - Tim De Maeseneer
19h: Brass Band Willebroek - Frans Violet
We would like to welcome you at the Re-Mi-Centrum next Sunday! (Kerkstraat 75, 1851 Humbeek, Belgium)