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Austrian summer highlights for Willebroek

On Friday 22th of July, just one day after de Belgian national holiday, Brassband Willebroek will be heading to Austria for a concert among the few "Innsbrucker Promenadenkonzerte" in front of de marvelous Innsbrucker Hofburg. The band is honoured to be a part of the program for the summer of 2016 thanks to the invitation of the organisation and in association with Besson (Buffet Crampon).

After more than a 9-hour trip by bus and a much needed night of sleeping (after the obligated beer or 2) the band will perform on saturday 23d of July. The concert will start at 19:30 on the courtyard of the Hofburg of Innsbruck. The Innsbrucker Promenadenkonzete are the highlight of the summer and have been held for the past 20 years. International Military, police- and other orchestra's, next to wind- brass- and bigbands, belong to the standard repertoire of the festival.

Goldene Dachl

Frans Violet has prepared a program with among others, pieces by Dan Price, Paul-Lovatt-Cooper, Astor Piazolla and Gabriel Fauré. Also they will bring there version of one of Philip Sparke's Masterpieces, Cambridge Variations, with wich they got the second place at the most recent All England Masters International. After this performance, the musicians also have a chance to shine at the well known local monument "Das Goldene Dachl". When Brassband Willebroek return they will take 2 weeks of well deserved vacation before starting the preparations for the British Open Brass Band Championship on the 10th of september. #Austria #BrassbandWillebroek #Innsbruck #InnsbruckerPromenadenkonzerte #GoldeneDachl


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Brassband Willebroek is een klassiek muziek orkest


Kerkstraat 6

2830 Willebroek


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